Changing Morality of the Modern Century
کتابی جالب به دستم رسید با عنوان «بعد گم شده در سکس». بخشی از اون رو براتون می نویسم فکر کنم براتون جالب باشه. از نظراتتون خوشحال میشم.منبع کتاب رو آخرش می نویسم.
But Now, What a Surprise for the Under-Thirties!
The young people of today have little awareness of the sex and family conditions in pre-war years. In fact, until 1914 there had been little basic change for some 4,000 years! The prior to 1914 years were as different from today's world as day is from night!
Parents then, even as now, taught their children nothing about sex. They themselves knew nothing! Their parents never had taught them! Besides, it would have been too embarrassing! The commonly accepted dictum was, "Keep our children innocent through ignorance until marriage- then instinct will teach them."
But instinct did not teach them. Humans, unlike animals, do not come equipped with instinct. Blindly, with a smattering of gutter-acquired misknowledge, the newly married blundered their way into disillusionments, shattered dreams, bitter resentments and frustrations- and, too often the divorce courts, although divorces were still a rarity.
True, a very large percentage of girls were kept "pure". The girl, up until 1914, who lost their virginity unmarried had also "lost her honor". Of course a double standard had developed. Every man wanted a virgin for a wife, but a majority were less careful about male virtue. yet the girl who had "gone the limit" was "damaged goods".
Those under thirty today know little about prevailing attitudes and sexual behavior prior to the two world wars. Contrariwise, if a girl who died at age twenty-two prior to 1917 were resurrected suddenly back to life today, she would be appalled!-- horrified!-- at the prevailing attitude and behavior of twenty-two-year-old girls today!
Just what are the generally unrealized FACTS? What was the real origin of the then traditional Christian morality?
And conversely, what triggered the moral revolution-- the so-called "New Morality"? How did TODAY's moderns come to accept present attitudes and behavior patterns? What has finally, after thousands of years of the "sex is shameful" repression, plunged the world into prevalent sexual "freedoms"?
And what, after all, is the PLAIN TRUTH? What, after all, are the TRUE VALUES? Was the pre-World War concept better for humanity? Is the present "New Morality" really advancement-- really better for those who are swept along with it?
People who lived prior to the 20th century would be aghast if they could see life as it is lived today.
Up until World War I people believed in marriage and family life. My own family was typical. I had never known of a divorce or a broken home and family in any of my relatives or ancestors. Marriage was "until death do us part". Any other status or life-style would have been strange and shocking.
But what brought this drastic change?
W. Armstrong, Herbert, The Missing Dimension In Sex,pp xiv-xv, 1981, Church of God, USA
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